Summer’s End

Summer’s End

“Petrichor, the wonderful, soul-lifting smell you get after rain on earth, is thanks in large part to the metabolites of soil life. To geosmin. We’ve evolved around living earth, and our ability to sense geosmin could well explain why it feels so invigorating being in a garden, or so life-affirming to visit an ancient forest, […]

Histórias de Saudade – Stories of Longing

Histórias de Saudade – Stories of Longing

“Saudade is a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present.” – Aubrey Bell from his book In Portugal According to Wikipedia saudade “is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for something or someone that one cares for and/or loves. […]

Taking a Break

Taking a Break

“We’re built to walk. We’ve been wired by natural selection to absorb meaning from our days at the loose-limbed gait of three miles an hour. And whether we count ourselves cursed or lucky to be standing on the Earth at this frenetic moment in our history—I, for one, would choose no other time to be […]

Living with Goodbyes

Living with Goodbyes

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”  – Kierkegaard I suspect we all sometimes wish for a glimpse of the future, especially when we have difficult choices to make or life feels uncomfortable. If you would have described my current life to me five years ago, I would have laughed […]